

  • Deszczyński, Beręsewicz, Relationship management maturity and competitive advantage, accepted to the Journal of Business Research
  • Białek, Beręsewicz, Scanner data in inflation measurement: from raw data to price indices, accepted to The Statistical Journal of the IAOS
  • Wawrowski, Beręsewicz, Small area estimates of the low work intensity indicator at voivodeship level in Poland, Statistics in Transtion new series
  • Beręsewicz, Białkowska, Marcinkowski, Maślak, Opiela, Zadroga, Pater, Enhancing the Demand for Labour survey by including skills from online job advertisements using model-assisted calibration, Survey Research Methods, doi: 10.18148/srm/2021.v15i2.7670, preprint
  • Beręsewicz, Nikulin, Estimation of the size of informal employment based on administrative records with non‐ignorable selection mechanism, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, doi: 10.1111/rssc.12481, online version, preprint
  • Beręsewicz, Pater, Inferring job vacancies from online job advertisements, Eurostat’s Statistical Working Papers, doi: 10.2785/963837, ISBN: 978-92-76-23299-5 ,link



  • Beręsewicz, Correlates of non-observation errors in~Internet data sources for real estate market, Journal of Official Statistics, 35(3), 509-529.
  • Beręsewicz, Gudaszewski, Szymkowiak, Estymacja liczby cudzoziemców w Polsce w latach 2015 i 2016 z wykorzystaniem rejestrów administracyjnych i metody capture-recapture, Accepted to Wiadomości Statystyczne.


  • Szałtys, Adamski, Beręsewicz, Chmielewski, Filip, Gudaszewski, Godlewski, Józefowski, Kaczorowski, Kostrzewa, Kowalewski, Olbrot-Brzezińska, Owczarkowski, Stańczak, Stelmach, Szymkowiak and Wysocka, Cudzoziemcy na krajowym rynku pracy w ujęciu regionalnym, Report from the research project, summary, report and appendices.

  • Beręsewicz, Lehtonen, Reis, Di Consiglio and Karlberg, An overview of methods for treating selectivity in big data sources, Eurostat’s Statistical Working Papers, doi: 10.2785/312232, ISBN: 978-92-79-88769-7 ,link.

  • Beręsewicz, Nikulin, Informal employment in Poland: an empirical spatial analysis, Spatial Economic Analysis, 13(3), p.338-355, link, local preprint

  • Marchetti, Beręsewicz, Salvati, Szymkowiak, Wawrowski, The use of a three level M-quantile model to map poverty at LAU 1 in Poland, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 181(3), p.1077-1104, link, local preprint


  • Beręsewicz, A two-step procedure to measure representativeness of Internet data sources, International Statistical Review, 85(3), p. 473-493, doi: 10.1111/insr.12217, local preprint, bibtex, link


Working papers

  • Beręsewicz, Cherniaiev, Pater, Measuring job vacancy statistics without business sample surveys, submitted.
  • Beręsewicz, Nikulin, Szymkowiak, Wilak, The gig economy in Poland – evidence based on the mobile big data, submitted.
  • Beręsewicz, Approximate nearest neighbours imputation, in progress.
  • Beręsewicz, Zadroga, Estimation of the number of irregular foreigners in Poland using non-linear count regression models, Reject with resubmission to the Annals of Applied Statistics.